Messiah Investors is an artistic centred organization that develop and builds the capacity of talented individuals by grooming and promoting their creativity to flourish and live their dreams.

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  NGN 2500.00 /Acre
  NGN 1500.00
  NGN 2000.00 /Day




It's all about spending your money isely through budgeting.



Relationships hold the fabric of human society together. But it is saddening this very essence of humanity has been shattered by the selfish pride of men. Do have and enjoyable read, and, please do send us feedback.

Being You

Being You

Bringing up this topic becomes pertinent because many are losing their lives trying to become who they are not. But life is beautiful and sweet when we live being who  we are made to be. 

A New Dawn

A New Dawn

Messiah Investors, a not for profit organization, is an artistic centered entity created to cater to the development and capacity building of talented individuals through the grooming, polishing and promotion of creative talent to flourish and maximize their potentials. MI takes them off the streets.


media file The epiphany of a Virus

The epiphany of a Virus

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